jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 4 XIII

As soon I could corner him in the kitchen I spoke to him:

-- As you know, I am a little fed up of my current job and I have been looking onto something else --

For all response all I got was blink blink, he was holding a toast on one hand, suddenly still... so I carried on

-- The thing is, you see, that I finally found something--

-- You are really up for adventures, uh?--

I had to make an effort to push down the tears and laughter within me and tried to make a a kind smile out of it... I he only knew.

-- Well, you know, if you are not happy with your job... you still have to show up every day a and face it. If you are not happy... well the risk is higher if I just stay --

-- But, what if you do not like it? --
-- If I don't like it... I can always change again--  This time his blinking was framed by a disbelief stare .
-- Well, the point is that I have been offered an interesting position, but it is not in Madrid.--
--Oh, and where ist it then? --
--in Cologne, Germany --
Apparently it was Diego's turn to laugh hysterically and he did not even try to repress laughter... I could see tear on his eyes.

--What a bummer--
--No, No, the point is that I am interested--Again, eyes like saucers --
--What are you talking about man, Germany? come on --
--It won't happen overnight , and I won't move there immediately... I'll still be in Madrid for a few weeks--
-- But then, you'll have to leave the flat.-- He interrupted, panic on his voice was now starting to be clear.
-- ...er... , Yes, sure. I wanted to help you find a new flatmate--

The enormity of it was visible on his terrorized face.
-- But don't you worry, we'll find someone, it won't be difficult.--
-- When are you leaving then--
-- Well, the new job starts on June 22nd... and according to the plan, I'll move to Cologne 15 day later. --
-- I must find a new flatmate--  His voice seemed to come from the underworld, in awe.
-- You don't worry, it is not going to be difficult. --

The details on how Diego and I ended up as flatmates is a story for another day. The basics are that there was this girl I met and I was looking forward knowing better, who knew Diego from the university. She knew he was moving to Madrid and needed a flatmate.

At the end of the day, my story with that girl ended going nowhere and I ended moving with Diego because I was fed up of my flatmates. It had been a proper adventure. As you might have figured out already, Diego had not spent all that much time away from his parents... but he was not a bad guy.

At Any rate, It was clear that he was totally lost and had no clue on what he should do. That very night I introduced him to websites like el dialista and we put together an ad to upload.

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