domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

Chapter 4 VII

It was late when I finally arrived home. I was hungry too, so after saying hi to Diego, who was spreadeagled on the sofa watching one of those Discovery channel docs where they show how something is built and the commentator tells it as if it was a huge drama... well: " The chef will now prepare the yogurt. If he makes a mistake, the 200 guests could get poisoned and die. Even worse, if he chose the wrong recipient this could break and eventually explode through the thermal gradient, sending thousands of small glass splints everywhere". Since I was hungry, I just opened the door of my room and in one fluid movement, I launched my backpack in a beautiful parabola onto my bed. I was already walking towards the kitchen when I heard a rewarding "boing" confirming landing.

- Let me grab something to eat and I will join you -  I shouted as a response to the muffled grumblings I heard from the living room and entered the kitchen.
Under the buzzing white light I opened the cabinet where my supplies awaited, some cans , coffee and such. I took a handful of almonds and transformed them into a mouthful while I rummaged around.  I took a tupper of soup out of the freezer and threw it into the microwave. I used to do soup through the cold season in the weekends, on the biggest pot we had, which was rather big and rather old too. I would then divide it up in tuppers and freeze it. Our freezer was small and I took most of it but Diego was not a fan of freezers. I still remember his first frozen pizza.

He would go on and do it in the oven, because he did not like microwaves either. Still he came to me for some consulting:

- This knob here controls the temperature and that other one which resistors are active. Once the light is out, the selected temperature has been reached.- Diego was doing some tennis gazing between me and the oven. As he seemed to be totally paralyzed I moved the dials and he was livid with surprise when the selector clicked loudly. He spent the 20 mins that the instructions advised looking through the window, which to be honest I also do. Anyway, that was the day Diego became a real man. He was very proud of himself and he even called his mother to tell her his spoils.

- Ma, I have made a pizza in the oven all by myself. - He told her over the still warm plate and with a beatific smile on his face.

Anyway, I sat down with Diego while the microwave was doing its thing and I got myself some ham and cheese to munch on. Soon enough I had to tell Diego that I was leaving the flat and changing job, perhaps not in that order... On the other hand I had to find something on Cologne for me. However that night, at that moment I just wanted to see what was going to happen with the fucking tunnel and listen to Diego commenting it.

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