viernes, 19 de enero de 2018

Chapter 4 VIII

The following day at the office was not much better. Halfway through the morning I got a call from the Central office from InGnio InGnieros. A nice lady voice, from the personal dept. Natalia, called me to tell me that my contract was on the mail and should reach me today. She also wanted to talk about me joining the company and the Cologne arrangement. The current status was that I would spend some weeks in Madrid before Jumping to Germany. Dates were not totally fixed and... well, I would need some support too.

I left early in the afternoon from work and spent 3 hours with Jesús, assembling the two bunk beds and the two little closets and the desks on the other room, together with some shelves. We kept on working with the candidate's list and finally we cooked something fast in the kitchen. Jesús was not a member of Diego's club, but he definitely relied heavily on microwaves. With the only pan available in the flat and after a quick pit stop in the supermarket, I assembled some minced meat and veggies with some side pasta.

I was really tired when I arrived home. I was happy Jesús took on doing the dishes but by the time I came home, Diego was already asleep. I took a fast shower and let myself fall into the bed.

The rest of the week was about the same. I finally got my work contract, I signed it and mailed it back. I spoke some with Diego, aiming at softening him up, so I did not tell him about a new job nor Cologne. Jesús took me running a couple of times, doing way more than I expected and without dying too. We would talk on the weekend about the firsts recruits.

The following Monday was busy and hectic at work. Besides the coming cuts, the client was starting to make uncomfortable inquiries. The upper management at least was getting uncomfortable. They were promising tighter control and deliveries...  After the weekly meeting, where we had discussed some changes on our proposed solution. Coolers are more sensitive than you may think. When the space between the fins is filled, dust and dirt can cake up and air cannot circulate. After a while the cooler is totally clogged and out of order and eventually the engine will overheat. 

Unfortunately, this can be rather fast. Once the engine is overheating, the whole powertrain is due to collapse and enters a runaway process, where the efficiency goes down. More air is needed and more pressure loss is caused. The clogging speed  just increases. Finally there is the need to do something. In some areas the operators have to take the radiator down, clean it up and install it again. Which is a pain in the ass. However if you are operating in a high dust environment, opening the circuit just helps to kill it. Dust will go in. Sand is made if silica, which is very hard and will destroy valves and pumps. We wanted to make the process easier and safer by having a quick safe removal system... But it would not come cheap. We would go over budget so we had to simplify the system elsewhere to make for it. Also, the chief engineer saw an increase of complexity as a risk for reliability. Cards were not looking up.

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