jueves, 14 de junio de 2018

Chapter 4 XV

--We need to see those specs before committing -- Said Erik-- and make sure about the 4 units... Unlike the big yards, we cannot take a lot of work at the same time because of our delivery dates being endangered.--

--Three units with a fourth optional-- Vosteinfeld cut in-- our evaluation shows that it is viable, but we want to agree the deliveries with you--

Harald took some air and said slowly  --Our dry dock needs a lot of maintenance, 4 units have a high risk for us regarding tight deliveries--

Jim Petersen smiled-- As our Alfred says, our evaluation of your capabilities says that it is possible, We are willing to provide you with support. Maintenance and design, eventually specialists. We can talk the details over... that's my job-- his smile widened --  The chief engineer is going to oversee everything, of course, but my task is to make sure the deliveries can be achieved and that the needed resources are available--

Erik shuffled in his seat, a little uncomfortable while thinking that those people seemed very decided, which was not bad and that they seemed to be ready to take over his company, which was very bad.

The discussion focused on the general description of the vessels and an overview of the general requirements. The design basis was a catamaran. Each of the twin hulls could be built separately and joined together while floating, at the dock. One of the configurations would be "cruise" with cabins and the second a transport one with more room for containerized goods. One of the most interesting issues, technically speaking, was the requirement for an access platform for vehicles, either from a sea platform (another vessel) or from a dock. Hybrid propulsion system (reduction of emissions)  and full capacity to be powered under sail also the very strong design to face storms, frozen seas and icebergs.

After  a long discussion, Erik exchanged a glance with Harald and asked

-- With regards to the internal equipment... we ave little experience nor personnel, like interior designers or such. Have you spoken to the Germans?--  A few famous shipyards in Germany were responsible for some of the most famous and luxurious cruise ships of the world. They had hordes of interior designers and people who paid a lot of attention to detail to make an stunning interior. At the end  of the day, that is what the client sees, and this that is quite important.
-- Well, on the one hand is that the client we are aiming for does not want nor need luxurious interiors, on the other there is the prize. Our proposal is to do the internal fitting under our own capacities but do it while moored to your dock. Of course paying for it.--

After some  confusion, it became clear that the referred southern dock was an old coal unloading dock. It was the right drought indeed but today was used as a storage and partly was rented out to some recreational vessels in winter. It brought little money but it did have a crane. It took Erik a few days to think that it was strange that they knew it was their property 
-- When could you show us the drawings?--

-- The first drawings with the volume distribution in two months. Hydrodynamic corrections in 3 and structural reinforcements in 6 --

Erik exchanged glances with Harald again and after registering the other's imperceptible nodding, he took air and said
-- We can make a cost estimation a month after the volume distribution and a final offer a month after those 6 months you need for the structural refinements--
The three members of Green Island smiled at once

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Chapter 1: Improbable encounters

Threading your way through a sea of people who does not really care much about being shoved, pushed and stepped on irritates me. On top o...