domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

Capítulo 5 IV

Langreo, España, 01 Junio 2009

A. Pornión, Alejandro o Alberto. Yo lo conocía simplemente como Pornión, como prácticamente todo el mundo que le conocía. Apenas recordaba cómo le había conocido, pero debía ser por finales de los 90 o primeros del 2000. Alberto Pornión, como Jesús me diría unos días antes,con un leve levantamiento de ceja para mostrar su desaprobación ante mi dejadez,  mientras planeábamos el encuentro, era un tipo auténtico. Bien en pantalones de faena, bien en unos cargos negros, barba canosa con fondo negro como el azabache a lo Capitán Haddok y pelo rizoso, corto y espeso.

Desde que dejó el ejército, allá por la segunda mitad de los 90, había ganado peso, haciendo su alta figura aún más imponente y permanentemente ataviado con una camiseta de algún grupo de metal. Y en ningún caso se mantenía en el pasado. Pornión lucía a la última con bandas clásicas, modernas y los últimos discos.

Para Jesús, Pornión tenía alta prioridad.Jesús quería gente para poder organizar el reclutamiento. Seguir a los objetivos, recabar información...  Pornión había servido en el ejercito, por lo que yo sabía en las fuerzas especiales, pero no sabía exactamente dónde. Jesús se ocupó de verificarlo y me enseno unas foto de finales de los 90 con un joven Pornión en el  Grupo de Operaciones Especiales Tercio del Ampurdán IV. Fiel a sí mismo, en una de ellas, Pornión era bien visible con una camiseta de Iced Earth, El nombre del Album no se veía demasiado bien, pero parecía "`Dark Saga"', con otros tres mocetones apoyados en un Fiat Brava azul.De dónde Jesús sacaba estas cosas siempre me sorprendía, pero por otra parte, tenía bastantes contactos en los ejércitos.

Jesús y yo preparamos un plan. Pornión trabajaba a turnos y vivía en la ciudad Asturiana de Langreo. Generalmente lo suyo era mandarle un sms, porque nunca se sabía cuando trabajaba. En este caso, Jesús había hecho algo de reconocimiento y el plan funcionó bastante bien. Le escribí comentándole que estaba en Oviedo por trabajo y que tenía algo de tiempo libre para tomar algo. Ultimamos los detalles por teléfono mientras mi tren salía de Chamartin hacia el norte.

Ahora que yo vivía en Madrid, no nos veíamos tan a menudo y las reuniones del grupo de amigos eran, para mí, aún más difíciles de atender. En cualquier caso Pornión no tenía coche, en parte porque no quería tener contratos ni ataduras y en parte porque el coche estaba hacia el fondo de sus prioridades en relación a sus gastos. Yo no sabía exactamente cuánto ganaba, pero seguro que no iba muy holgado aunque eso no era algo que le importase demasiado. Pornión tenía una sencilla y valoraba más sus hobbies que las posesiones materiales o una carrera. El acuerdo era que nos encontraríamos en  un centro comercial en el centro, cerca de la estación de autobuses de Oviedo.

 Dado que desde la puerta de la cafetería podía ver el camino que Pornión tendría que recorrer, me apoyé en la pared junto a luna de la cafetería, disfrutando de la buena temperatura. Pornión llegó a la hora convenida en negro, con una camiseta de Mastodon. Cuando llegó a mi altura y nos estrechamos la mano, señalé hacia la camiseta y le dije:

-- Ya te has hecho con lo nuevo de Nightwish? --
-- Que te jodan -- Hasta cierto punto, era culpa mía. Mucha de la música que yo escuchaba era comparativamente antigua y una de las pocas cosas que escuché que me llamó la atención fue Nightwish, Wishmaster, el que sería su tercer álbum. Cuando lo hablé con Pornión, su opinión era que era "`una puta mierda para mariconas"', a lo que yo le dije que no lo veía tan lejos de cosas como Mastodon, en el sentido de nueva experimentación y que era aún más atrevido y que musicalmente probablemente eran mejores. La conversación no fue nada bien. El caso es que yo había oído que Nightwish había sacado un disco hacía poco, pero yo no lo había escuchado ni tenía demasiada prisa. Nightwish había experimentado todo lo que tenía que experimentar, en lo me concernía a mí, pero siempre era divertido atacar un poco a Pornión. Y sin más entramos en el bar.

Nos pedimos una cana, una Mahou fresquita servida en copa de cerveza, todo lujo.  Hablamos un poco y en unos minutos pude confirmar lo que Jesús me había dicho. Pocos cambios en lo que yo conocía de su vida. Desde hacía dos anos Pornión vivía solo en el piso de su madre, al haber muerto esta. Trabajo y demás, todo estable.

-- Y tú qué te cuentas? --
-- Mmmm... te va a hacer gracia, pero tengo algo que contarte... --

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

Chapter 4XII

We went back into the main building and went up a wide staircase, up to the first floor. My old Asics were squeaking on the waxed floors, while I was following Natalia, who seemed to know where she was going, as she was walking confidently.

When we reached the landing, I could see the options the wide space offered the visitor. There was a generous double door marked as "Private". To the left there was a not less generous corridor that took you to the conferences rooms. Right opposite to the staircase there was another door marked as "Restrooms". This could be useful, so I made a mental note. Also, as everybody knows, if the door is labeled "Restrooms" instead of "Toilets" there is a higher chance of them being clean.

I let Natalia walk ahead of me from the landing onward because, although wide, I did not feel comfortable walking too close to her, as we did not know each other. I din't want it to be too obvious, but it did not help the conversation.

-- Jesús Díaz is about to arrive-- she said talking to her shoulder -- I booked a small meeting room up here to be able to talk calmly --

I wondered whether she would take part in the meeting and whether there would be need of calm.

--Anything I should know beforehand?-- I asked. For one I was a little nervous but also irritated by the whole circus.

Natalia turned around, seemingly amused, while she hold the door open and invited me to go in.
-- I think not...--  I had to squeeze between her and the door and for a sec our eyes locked and I could breathe her perfume. That was not going to help a lot to calm me down.

The room was fairly small and contained little besides a round table and 4 chairs around it. There was a telephone in the middle of the table and a couple of signed pictures on the wall. I had no clue who they might be. We sat diametrically opposed with an empty chair right before the door  which took not much time to be opened and we stood up at the same time, spectating.

The famous Jesús Diaz was a little shorter than me. He had a fairly homogeneous red round head without much hair left, just on the side. He wore round metallic rimmed glasses, which made his eyes look deeper than they actually were in his generous cheeks. His round upper body was clad in a La Martina polo shirt. Pink.

His legs were short and thin, thy poked out, hairy, below some gleaming white pressed shorts.

-- Jesús Díaz-- He said, extending his hand towards me, without too much smiling. Either I had missed  something or he had ignored  Natalia as if she was not there. -- You must be Mr Wooldrow's friend... --

On my side, I smile and let his hand go. Then he exchanged a nod of acknowledge with Natalia whose answer I missed, as I focused on him. I gave him my name and, just in case, my first surname. I avoided telling him anything about his friends.

-- Mr Wooldrow and I are not exactly friends. He is my future direct boss... -- If it was a competition, I knew how to play too. Wooldrow was the Chief of Engineering on Green Island and certainly my direct boss, as I would not be dependant of the hierarchy of InGnio IGnieros. I focused on smiling and let him sit down first. I could also hear the rustling of Natalia´s chair when she sat down.

Once we were all sat down, Jesús Díaz started to probe me immediately.  Natalia was a spectator on the tennis match... or Padel if you'd rather say. He wanted to know who I was and he had a hard time understanding I was a nobody. I had no special contacts and he throught I was lying. Truthfully, I was indeed lying, but the story he had to swallow was that I had contact with Green Island since university, as I collaborated in a project bach then. I had maintained a professional contact with Mr. Wooldrow and now there was a further collaboration opportunity. Officially, Green Island had selected me, but wanted to have SD attached to m InGnio InGnieros and not directly attached to Green Island but the report was directly to it and not Madrid. Politics and Taxes were the reasons.

The second point Jesús Díaz wanted to talk about was about marking the land, his land. On my side I had no problem. At the end of the day SD was not going to use many resources from InGnio InGnieros but from Green Island directly. The commercial side and administration was also Green Island and I would place my Personnel needs directly to Mr. Wooldrow

Jesús Díaz paused a bit there. He was in the position to offer support on andministration and Personnel management, not that they had much to spare,  but Special Developments did not have the structure from a "real company". Jesús Díaz spent a little time giving me tips about cost management and time management and the value of proper management

My reply went along thanking him and assuring him I would let Wooldrow know. He didn't like that too much, as he said he could tell him that himself but he was telling it to me as "a friend", to help me.

-- I'll see, it is not my responsibility area though. All I can do it communicate it. With respect to the selection in itself. The  budget will be passed by Green Island and not InGnio InGnieros, therefore the approval comes directly from above.-- I smile agreeably -- At the end of the day we are a small department and you have lots to do.--

Jesús Díaz showed a shark smile and lectured me on how much they had to do, the main projects, times, budgets, the lot.

I lt the rght sounds come out, admiration and surprise.

 -- Well -- I said -- The main purpose of the department is no other than channel aid money from the Euripean Union -- To this I go his interest. Shall had I started with this, he would have not believed it. Now he had been trying to find the trick and was thinking that his tactics had yielded the expected results. I explained how Special Developments could benefit from certain subventions and thus help reduce taxes for Green Island and InGnio InGnieros. He could see personal profit.

For the first time, Jesús Díaz smiled sincerely and said I would have support from his "people" and that he was looking forward to work with Green Island on coming projects

-- When are you starting then?--
-- Well, actually in 15 days. For a while here in Madrid, since it is going to take a while in Cologne. There is still a bit to get done-- It was a reference to the fact of Cologne offices not being ready-- But I do not really need much more than a chair and a desk.--

Jesús Díaz answered with some loud laughter. I could see that Natalia wanted to say something but he ignored her. He had something to say.

-- Ha, Ha, Ha! --  He roared -- Yes, a chair and a desk ... yes, that is not going to be a problem. -- 

Now Natalia came in

-- We got a laptop computer  and a cell phone from Green Island  --  I nodded and smiled back to her.
--... a place to work is not going to be a problem-- She said gauging Jeús Díaz -- With regards to the works at Cologne's office, they are going to be coordinated by Green Island ...--

--... And the message is that they are on time -- Jesús Díaz just cut in -- in 20 days it should be completed .--

And she kept on--... as I mentioned, for the relocation to Cologne, I'll get you in cotact with Silke, who is in charge of the administration over there. She is going to help you with the paperwork over there and can help you with accommodation and such things.--

Jesús Díaz still had a couple of sentences to offer, he was boss and regaled us with his thoughts and closed the meeting, thus having the last word. Generously he said -- Drink something and meet the people--

Now that Natalia did not have to babysit me, she got herself discretely out of the picture, while Jesús Díaz went to greet people as  he was the Pope in Rome.

Under the circumstances, I touched at the bar stand to get some more tonic water. Lola was tailing Jesús Díaz, so it was actually pleasant there. I then headed to one of the courts and leaned against the perimeter fence. I sipped tonic water while listening what was going on around me and observe, but mainly to kill half an hour before taking off.

I had one target when I arrived home and was to speak to Diego about the job change and my moving out. Even if I was focused on my thoughts I could not avoid seeing a question mark with an asterisk instead of the usual dot. It was painted  with white chalk on red bricks at the exit of the underground. The white colour told me that it was the closest to home dead letter box the one I had to check. Therefore I changed plan and got on with it. As a good boy I did not go directly, but I took a round that allowed me to check my six.

By the time Diego arrived home, I had already had my dinner. All the event and such had been great fun, but I had been on the move most of the day without nothing to eat. When I had came back, I just had assaulted my reserves, which was very positive for my mood.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018

Capítulo 5 III

El primero de la lista era Olegario Zamburrián, conocido por Oleg. Oleg no era muy alto, pero era muy sólido y parecía venir del lejano norte. pelo muy claro y piel lechosa. Había entrado en  la Guardia Civil en 2001 y en 2004 había pasado 4 meses en Mostar, con la misión internacional, que investigaba crímenes de guerra, reuniendo pruebas. Estaba destinado en Madrid, a una Unidad Central Operativa.

Nos conocíamos desde niños. Jugábamos al fútbol a menudo y teníamos un par de amigos comunes. El vivía al otro lado de las vías que cortaban la parte sur de la ciudad donde vivíamos. A diferencia de otros del grupo, nuestra amistad prosperó en la adolescencia, alimentada por similares gustos en música, el cine y la cerveza.

Como es natural, diferentes caminos y diferentes elecciones disgregaron el grupo al mismo tiempo que el período de adolescencia nos iba convirtiendo de no tan inocentes niños a descerebrados adolescentes y, a lo largo de todo ese tiempo, nuestra amistad creció y fortaleció. Seguimos en contacto cuando entró en la Guardia Civil. A pesar de estar bastante lejos, cuando venía a casa de sus padres solíamos vernos. Por aquel tiempo yo ya estaba en la universidad y teníamos estilos de vida bastante diferentes, pero de vez en cuando, encontrábamos tiempo para charlar y echarnos unas cervezas.

Oleg se había comprado un piso cerca del planetario, en Madrid, que compartía con su bicicleta. El ciclismo era su pasión. Desde niños, cuando jugábamos a las chapas y circulábamos por polvorientas carreteras secundarias, simulando subir los puertos del Tour o haciendo no tan simulados sprints escapando de perros, gitanos o Yonkis.

El plan era quedar con el en un bar irlandés cerca de su casa y soltarle el asunto y después presentarle a Jesús, sencillo y para toda la familia. Después iríamos a su casa y entraríamos en materia.

 Madrid, España, 11 Junio 2009

En la calle de San Martín, muy cerca de la estación de metro de planetario, había un bar Irlandés en le que solíamos ver el Rugby. A mi no me entusiasmaba demasiado ver los deportes en televisión, pero a Oleg sí, y le gustaba el Rugby desde adolescente, junto a su pasión por el ciclismo y el fútbol, Lo conocía a través de un vecino suyo que jugaba, allá cuando teníamos 16 o 17 años.

Oleg estaba esperándome en la puerta del metro con una camiseta de Steve McQueen y una bolsa en la mano izquierda, que extendió hacia mí junto a la derecha. Mientras estrechábamos las manos me dijo 
-Unas pelis que te he grabado-
-Gracias tío, ¿cómo vas?-
-Como siempre, curro, vida y ocio, todo correcto-

Empezamos a caminar hacia el bar.
-Hubiera pasado a buscarte, pero resulta que tengo el coche en el taller-
-No hubiera sido más rápido- dije con un guiño. 

Una vez en el bar, nos sentamos de tal manera que pudiesemos ver el partido pero en una zona bastante apartada del jaleo. Para ser justos, el jaleo no era muy grande y el partido se proyectaba en una pantalla. Nuestras Guiness llegaron blanco sobre negro junto a una gran fuente de patatas, cacahuetes y dos trozos generosos de tortilla. Por alguna extraña razón, Oleg tenía una habilidad casi sobrenatural para encontrar bares con tapas gloriosas.

En uno de los descansos, la conversación giró ligeramente hacia mi posible cambio de empleo. Oleg sabía que no estaba muy contento y que había hecho algunas entrevistas.
-Pues verás...-- comencé

Cuarenta minutos y otra Guiness después, Oleg empezó a hacer preguntas. No había dicho nada hasta entonces y no había prestado casi nada de atención al partido.
--¿Cuándo necesitas una respuesta?--

Me encogí de hombros --Pronto, pero no inmediatamente --
-- Dame una semana, vamos a ver a tu colega --

Asentí con la cabeza y me levanté.

Cuando salimos al anochecer interminable de Madrid en junio, el partido había terminado y Led Zeppelin estaba  empezando

In the days of my youth
I was told what it was to be a man
Now I've reached the age
I've tried to do all those things the best I can

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018

Chapter 4 XI

Las Tablas, Madrid, 2009

Padel was the new trend sport in Madrid. As far as I was concerned it was just a simplification of tennis for lazy snobs. For those who are not trendy enough to know what padel is, it is indeed something like tennis, with a smaller racquet and a lot less strength shouting. I had never had any interest in tennis, but this was even less attractive to me.

At any rate, the "Team building event"   was going to be a day playing padel in a club in Las Tablas, north of Madrid.

I knew the are a little, because back in the day I had done a few job interview around there. As the crow flies, it was not far from our apartment,  but to reach it with the tube I had to cross half of the city. From Nuevos Ministerios I took the line 10 northbound, carrying my backpack. In my backpack I had my (now improved) survival kit, but today  the main point was to carry some "sport clothing" in order to not look out of place. That is shorts and a T-shirt. I had no intention to get into one of the cubicles, but anyway...

The circus was scheduled to start at 10, which I guess could be considered a little early. The fact is, the tube had nothing to do with the week traffic. Up to Nuevos Ministerios, I was thinking about all things coming my way... I had to recruit people and organize work groups. Then there was the issue of keeping it secret, the issue of changing company and no less to move to Cologne and learn some German, the future was coming towards me like a train.

In Nuevos Ministerios, María Jesús Álvarez informed me that we where at my destination and I changed into the line 10, where finding a seat was again not a problem, This time I rummaged around in my backpack until I found my book. I was now reading "Strata", from Terry Pratchett. I had to put my anxiety aside. I had done my routine of checking my 6 about 5 times by then and I knew the people around me better than my family.

At destination, a big burly bloke with black sunglasses, shaved head and his moustasche-goatee perfectly trimmed at exactly 2 mm asked me, in a grave and serious tone, about my accreditation. I had nothing more than the verbal invitation from Natalia, so when I was done with my explanation, his tone changed to a few degrees colder, which settled the tone of our coming relationship

--Then you cannot access -- He pointed at some sheets of paper he had in a pad holder which was hiding behind him. He shacked it in front of me and said -- I have been told from the boss that only those in the list can come in by showing the accreditation--

--Can we have a look whether I am on the list --

-- You must have been told at work that you had to bring your accreditation to be able to come in --

-- Yeah, you see, the thing is that I haven't started working there just yet--
I was thinking on all the things I had practiced with Jesús. On such occasions the best is not to draw attention and place a good lie and a lot of confidence. things like " I bring these flips flops back because ... " The point was that I did not want to sneak in, I had been invited! or at least Natalia had invited me

-- So, you are not even working for this company? --
--not yet--
-- Then you cannot enter, this is only for employees --
Then he started to explain me that the business was closed because of a company event.

After a few failed trials, I managed to get the bouncer to look for my name in the list, which he achieved successfully.

-- but you have no pass -- Roma was not made in a day, I guees. The conversation took a very dark road at that moment, until he decided to call someone. That someone probably decided to call some other one until a few minutes a smiling Natalia came down the staircase, out of the shadows.

After smiling left and right and with the bouncer a little more reassured, I was delighted to follow her into the brief darkness before coming out again in the big patio, where several groups of, presumably, Ingenio Ingeniergos employees where milling around, some in appropriate dressing and other with shorts similar to what I had in my pack

On our way we exchanged some pleasantries,  such as "I'm happy you came"', "I'll introduce you to this and that"', after a few laments and apologies. Very much like myself, Natalia was wearing some jeans, with the key difference that she wore hers much better than I did mine. Her tennis shoes were of radioactive white, whereas mine... well mine were comfortable. They were my old Asics that no where no longer up to the task to deal my 80 kilos bouncing while jogging. That was the end of the similarities, because she was wearing an impeccable white shirt with the logo of  InGnio InGnieros. I was wearing a linen shirt, because since moving to Madrid I had discovered linen as a survival strategy. At any rate, there I was, exchanging pleasantries with Natalia in my blue linen shirt listening to "not Fragile" in my head. If her looks were something to go by, I guessed she was not going to play lots of padel.

-- Jesús Díaz -- This Jesús was my future "boss", he was the director of InGnio InGnieros -- is coming a little later, I had arranged a small conference room upstairs -- she turned around, like that girl of the fortune wheel when she has to turn a letter, probably pointing at the building where said room might be--  Meanwhile, perhaps you would like to play a little  -- semi twirl again, this time on the other direction-- I'll introduce you to some of your future colleagues, come along.--

I got on her tail obediently, still smiling about the use and custom in Madrid to call everyone by name and first surname, which for me was a little unusual. When I was a kid I had reached the conclusion that the motive was that there was so many people in Madrid, that otherwise it would lead to confusion. We went along the path in between the courts where the introductions started.

To be honest, my ability to retain names and faces is, at  best, limited, and at the moment my interest was limited, as  I presumed I was not really going to work with this people at all. However, you have to be polite an all... and I was having no objections to follow Natalia around. On the other hand I was curious to know what was she up to. She had spent quite  a while with me already. After a few faces we reached a mobile bar under the shade of some trees. There was some salty snacks and soft drinks. there was two women and a tall bloke Before even get started, one of the women took Natalia by the arm and said.

-- Here you are ... --
and the rest I could not get. Anyway, I had an answer to my question. After introducing me to the tall guy and exchanging kisses with the first woman, Natalia introduced me to the third one, which looked a bit curious. As far as I could understand she was the secretary of Jesús Díaz. She started a barrage of direct questions, basically who I was and where I was coming from.

-- So you studied in Sweden --  The voice was not particular, but the tone was certainly irritating. I looked into something to drink, so I had some excuses to delay my answer and with my hands busy, it would be less likely that I strangled her. Apparently it was all soft drinks, no beer anywhere, so I took a bottle of Schweppes and kept nodding while I fished a piece of lemon and a handful of ice cubes.

-- I see you've read my CV--
I turned around smiling to see Natalia fuss a little and hear her try to articulate an answer that would eventually lead to some kind of apology. I was not in the mood to have any of her crap, so I pressed in

-- Yeah, I studied there the second part of my masters and I also worked there for a while, but the weather is better here --  I said signaling upwards.
Perhaps she got it or perhaps she did not, but anyway Natalia helped to keep the conversation on the weather and Sweden for the next  20 minutes or so.

We were on it, curtains and Ikea until Natalia took a huge nokia out of her poket and she turned around to talk into it.

It did not last long until she turned around and looking at me she let me know we had to get moving. Since she did not tell Lola where or why we were leaving, told me that Lola was already well informed.

<Previous        Next>

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Capítulo 5 I

Jesús y yo estábamos sentados en el piso franco, en el barrio de Hortaleza. La calle era muy tranquila y ninguno de los vecinos se conocía, ni tenía ganas de hacer amigos. Para nosotros perfecto. El piso era pequeño. Habíamos colocado dos camas en una habitación, con unos pequeños armaritos. Ninguno vivía allí y no teníamos demasiados enseres. El salón tenía vistas al edificio de enfrente y por ello estaba amueblado como un salón. La otra habitación era una especie de doble oficina; mesas de trabajo, archivadores y un par de ordenadores. Uno con conexión y el otro totalmente desconectado. Lo mejor del piso era, con diferencia, dos sillones de IKEA, en los que uno podía mecerse.

Allí estaba yo sentado cuando Jesús me lanzó un sobre. Era la lista de contactos que yo había dado y los que habían sido aprobados estaban en aquella lista, para proceder a contactar con ellos. Saqué las hojas del sobre comercial y ojeé la lista.

La gente que allí estaba significaba algo para mí. No solamente era gente con características interesantes que podía formar parte del proyecto, era gente que personalmente conocía y había escogido cuidadosamente. Era también gente en la que iba aponer mi vida en sus manos, de forma literal. Empezaríamos por aquellos en quienes yo más confiaba, para constituir un equipo unido. El círculo se iría ampliando con otros "`
 La lista era relativamente larga. Me sobresaltó encontrar un par de nombres. Cuando uno mira hacia el pasado, siempre hay relaciones interesantes y gente importante. Por otra parte, algunas de las relaciones... bueno, digamos que yo no era ningún casanova. En cualquier caso no estaba muy seguro cómo confrontar alguno de los nombres en aquella lista.

Jesús lo notó y sonrió mientras me pasaba una taza de té.
-¿Te arrepientes? Enfrentarte a los fantasmas del pasado no será tan difícil como parece- Le miré sin comprender.

-Ellos también han vivido en estos años. Han cambiado, han fracasado en sus proyectos, olvidado sus sueños y se han creado una barrera de rutina- Asentí con la cabeza. No había mucho más que pudiera decir.

- Y ellas - dijo, señalando vagamente los papeles y el sobre en mis rodillas mientras se sentaba, -Es más sobre tí que sobre ellas esto que haces. Eres un imbécil por pensar que haces lo correcto y aún más por pensar que debes hacer lo correcto... - Dejó su taza sobre el reposabrazos -Y lo que es el colmo es que creas que las estás salvando. Todos los de la lista han sido aprobados por sus habilidades y por su capacidad de integración. No para que te puedas poner una puta armadura y jugar al principito valiente- Ahora sí que no sabía qué decir.

Jesús sonrió
-No te preocupes, empezaremos por los fáciles-

Asentí con la cabeza y empezamos a trabajar en la lista. Antes de que Jesús pudiera poner Madness en el cd, puse algo que acababa de descubrir. Ethel the Frog. Pude ver cómo Jesús ponía los ojos en blanco y aceptaba la derrota. Preparamos planes para abordar a la primera selección, ordenamos a los demás por orden de aproximación y preparamos listas de información que necesitábamos saber sobre los objetivos.

Al cabo de un rato Jesús se levantó a rellenar la taza y me dio unas palmaditas en la espalda al pasar.

-Esto mismo que estamos haciendo ahora, lo hice en su momento contigo...  No eres mucho peor que otras personas... Ni que yo mismo-  Sonrió -Al fin y al cabo aquí estamos-

Chapter 1: Improbable encounters

Threading your way through a sea of people who does not really care much about being shoved, pushed and stepped on irritates me. On top o...