jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 4 XIV

Aure, Norway, April 2009

Harald was 36 years old. His oldest memories  went back somewhat 30 years ago, on the same place where he was now standing, the shipyard the grandfather of his grandfather had started, 115 years ago. Initially it was a local business, but during the war the germans had built a dry yard for their submarines. Nowadays it was an asset for shipping that  crossed the Trondheimsleia. While repairs where a common thing, built of new vessels was on the decline. The shipyard was too small and the world situation was not helping. Harald and Erik had been trying to get into the oil business for years, with a limited success. They had gotten contracts, but it was always a one odd and nothing stable.

As Harald was approaching, he saw the Erik's pick up pulling up next to him, among the old dirty snow. Once in the office, Erik started to lay out  the meeting room and Harald got into the locker room, next to the meeting room to get his suit on. That morning there was an important meeting planned. A potential new client coming all the way from Oslo. Or at least the contact came through a lawyer company in Oslo and arranged a meeting. Erik joked that they were drug traffikers and they wanted a submarine. Or perhaps he did not joke. The weather was bad and they knew that no drug lords were hosted on any of the hotels around so they were expecting a delay or to move the meeting. The speaker on the phone had also declined any help on hotel booking or recommendations.

At 1030 Lana came up from the reception. the visitors had arrived. Erik went to met them while asking Lana to give word to Harald, who was on the shop. There was 3 men standing at the reception, still taking jackets out. Erik stayed aside, smiling politely and silent while the North Faces went to the hanger and the boots underneath the bench, on which already three aluminum briefcases were resting. As the visitors turned to face him, Erik stepped forward and introduced himself

--Erik Steintre, commercial director-- None of the visitors looked Norwegian, but indeed Europeans, so he launched himself directly into English. --My brother Harald is the technical director and he is on his way here. I am glad to see you arrived safely--

--Alfred Vonsteinfeld, Director of Offshore Products, Green Island-- This was the first time that  Erik herad the name of the (potential) client and also the name was new and unknown to him.
--James Wooldrow, Engineering Green Island Offshore-- A hard handshake. Erik Noticed that in his white collar there was a logo, a green G within a blue circle. Below it in red letters  ``Engineering''.

--Jim Petersen, project manager-- Mr Petersen sported the same shirt. some noises from the changing room area indicated that Harald was coming. Erik won some time by doing the visiting card exchang.
-- Please, follow Harald. I will be back with you in two minutes, I just want to organize something to eat-- Erik, ignoring Harald's interrogative look, went into the small room where both sharing an office, avoiding Lana, who from her own desk was following everything like a Hawk. One of her tasks was precisely to organize something to eat when there was a meeting.

Erik used his two minutes to dig out as much information about Green Island and the names he had as google would provide. It turned out, that it was more than enough. There was of course the official website but little else. The group was offered consulting focused in hig seas operations. It was a general web and there was not much specific information. There was mention about some big companies but little else. As he returned to the meeting room, everyone was getting comfortable and  Lana was busy distributing coffee and pastries with usual efficiency.

--We brought a short presentation along -- Comenzó Vosteinfeld -- firstly over our group, to introduce ourselves and then specifically over the project that we would like to talk to you about.--

The presentation barely enhanced the information that Erik had found on the internet. However things started to get interesting when they jumped into the project part.

Green Island Engineering division had a key ready project with a tourism company. This company (which name Vosteinfeld did not revealed) was specialized on theme trips to the wilderness. Now they had created a business plan based on trips and cruises on austral and artic waters. Greenland, Canada and Antarctic destinations where on the book. The company was already operating with an old soviet oceanographic ship, but the demand had skyrocketed and they now were talking about four units. Green Island had been contracted to develop the specifications and supervise construction.

--The reason to come over here is as much commercial as technical-- said Wooldrow, mopping up some cloudberry jam from his chin -- On the one had, our project is too small for a big shipyard like Daewoo and our specs are not standard, thus they have little interets. On the other hand you have less projects, but the traditions and know how. It is also a good selling point for our clients. It is not the same some anonymous vessel built in Corea as the proud craft of a viking shipyard. And you have a very nice dry dock out there.--

Capítulo 5 VIII

--¿Cuándo empezamos?--

Acordamos un calendario, se cogería vacaciones y comenzaríamos con entrenamiento. Después dejaría su trabajo y se incorporaría inmediatamente a su posición, donde empezaría a entrenar. Posteriormente pasaría a preparar, junto con el equipo inicial, los planes de entrenamiento, antes del período de internamiento.

Volví tarde al B\&B, y con algo de cerveza en el aliento. Afortunadamente la dueña me había dado una llave y había dejado unas pequeñas luces encendidas en las escaleras. Nada me apetecí más que meterme en la cama, pero tenía que prepararme por si las cosas salían mal.

Tenía una pequeña reserva de clorato potásico y azúcar para hacer bombas de humo. Con unas hojas de cartón apreté unos petardos bastante grandes y les coloqué unas mechas que tenía reservadas, empapadas en queroseno. Atranqué la puerta, después de mover una de las sillas del pasillo a una posición bastante incómoda. Me senté en el sofá, con una pequeña bolsa con dinero, mi pasaporte y algunos elementos de supervivencia. La preparación con anticipación en el terreno me había permitido hacer acopio, así como planear las rutas de escape.  Esperaba que Diego fuese un chico bueno, y todo apuntaba a ello, pero correr riesgos es estúpido.

En caso de que Diego hablase con la policía o que algo fuese mal. Jesús me había dado un punto de contacto. A partir de ahí había tres opciones. El ferry, dirigirse al sur y viajar a Francia desde algún puerto o robar una lancha en Grimsby y jugársela hasta los países bajos.

A las 5 de la mañana me levanté, había pegado algunas cabezadas, pero quería salir antes de lo previsto, y anticiparme a cualquiera que estuviese esperando fuera. Tenía un largo trayecto en tren por delante, para comprobar que nadie me seguía.

Tenía ganas de empezar a reclutar gente y formar un equipo, aunque sólo fuese por el hecho de tener más apoyo en este tipo de operaciones.

Cuando me senté en avión en Leeds, fingí estar tranquilo, pero cuando las ruedas dejaron la pista, caí en un profundo sueno. Cuando me desperté, El capitán estaba prometiendo buen tiempo en Alicante. A mi me importaba poco, pues me dirigí del aeropuerto a la estación de autobuses y desde allí caminé un rato hacia el centro. En un café poco frecuentado por turistas, típicamente español, me eché una tónica y le pedí el periódico a un tipo en la barra.

Esperé a que Jesús saliera de la cafetería antes de terminar mi tónica y caminar los 15 minutos hasta la estación de tren y coger el Alvia a Madrid.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 4 XIII

As soon I could corner him in the kitchen I spoke to him:

-- As you know, I am a little fed up of my current job and I have been looking onto something else --

For all response all I got was blink blink, he was holding a toast on one hand, suddenly still... so I carried on

-- The thing is, you see, that I finally found something--

-- You are really up for adventures, uh?--

I had to make an effort to push down the tears and laughter within me and tried to make a a kind smile out of it... I he only knew.

-- Well, you know, if you are not happy with your job... you still have to show up every day a and face it. If you are not happy... well the risk is higher if I just stay --

-- But, what if you do not like it? --
-- If I don't like it... I can always change again--  This time his blinking was framed by a disbelief stare .
-- Well, the point is that I have been offered an interesting position, but it is not in Madrid.--
--Oh, and where ist it then? --
--in Cologne, Germany --
Apparently it was Diego's turn to laugh hysterically and he did not even try to repress laughter... I could see tear on his eyes.

--What a bummer--
--No, No, the point is that I am interested--Again, eyes like saucers --
--What are you talking about man, Germany? come on --
--It won't happen overnight , and I won't move there immediately... I'll still be in Madrid for a few weeks--
-- But then, you'll have to leave the flat.-- He interrupted, panic on his voice was now starting to be clear.
-- ...er... , Yes, sure. I wanted to help you find a new flatmate--

The enormity of it was visible on his terrorized face.
-- But don't you worry, we'll find someone, it won't be difficult.--
-- When are you leaving then--
-- Well, the new job starts on June 22nd... and according to the plan, I'll move to Cologne 15 day later. --
-- I must find a new flatmate--  His voice seemed to come from the underworld, in awe.
-- You don't worry, it is not going to be difficult. --

The details on how Diego and I ended up as flatmates is a story for another day. The basics are that there was this girl I met and I was looking forward knowing better, who knew Diego from the university. She knew he was moving to Madrid and needed a flatmate.

At the end of the day, my story with that girl ended going nowhere and I ended moving with Diego because I was fed up of my flatmates. It had been a proper adventure. As you might have figured out already, Diego had not spent all that much time away from his parents... but he was not a bad guy.

At Any rate, It was clear that he was totally lost and had no clue on what he should do. That very night I introduced him to websites like el dialista and we put together an ad to upload.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018

Capítulo 5 VII

Cuando salió, con el pelo negro peinado hacia atrás y con la camiseta aún en la mano. Las huellas del reciente afeitado eran obvias, la piel rosa y el after shave. Una nube de vapor luchaba por salir a la oscuridad por la ventana en el techo.

Se sentó frente a mí en el salón. Yo había respetado el sitio más hundido frente a la televisión y me había sentado en otro sofá, alrededor de la mesa baja, así que le indiqué el sitio libre con la cabeza.

Me miró y soltó una carcajada. Empezó, metódicamente a repasar todos los puntos que le había contado, cando terminó, dejó el botellín vacío sobre la mesa.
-Y ahora, ¿Qué?--
--Y ahora, viene el momento de proponerte una cosa--
--¡ A ver, cuéntame!--

--Además de ser mi amigo y confiar en  tí, tienes una serie de capacidades interesantes. Obviamente sabes como organizar la construcción y ... van a venir tiempos interesantes. Se necesita gente que sepa luchar y no sólo en sentido figurado --

Diego se sentó un poco más tieso en su asiento, prestando atención.
-- El primer paso será crear una unidad cuyo cometido es prácticamente logístico, es decir, preparar la logística para movernos, pero después hay que organizar el traslado de material,  construir y defendernos. Si el mundo se va a la mierda como planteado, la cosa se parecerá a Mad Max, pero  con el sentido literal de las noticias de la tarde.--
-- Ya sabes que no soy yo el primero que se acojona.--
--Lo sé, no se trata de eso, sino de organizarse--

Le expliqué que el cometido de los buques era el traslado de personal y material y cómo la organización de la defensa se dividiría, principalmente en unidades ligeras móviles, unidades de apoyo y las unidades navales.

-- Me interesan las unidades ligeras esas. La descripción del puesto me interesa --
- No es un trabajo para toda la vida, especialmente para tí, que tendrás trabajo de construcción. Todavía no está claro cuántos tours haremos. Depende de muchas cosas.---

Asintió con la cabeza, se levantó y desde la cocina oí su respuesta
-- Está claro que no es algo para siempre, mi chica también viene y no es plan-- Le oí hurgar en la nevera y oí el tintineo de cristales. Volvió con dos botellines de cerveza.

Le expliqué lo que había del plan, mientras me miraba con ojos brillantes. Me propuso ir en el equipo de tierra, pero conseguí convencerle que la parte interesante sería la otra.

La parte de dejar su trabajo se la tuve que explicar con cuidado. Sería contratado por Green Island, en la que desarrollaría requisitos y prepararía lo necesario para la construcción. No era un trabajo especialmente atractivo, pero era necesario. Además el trabajo le permitiría largos periodos de ausencia, para entrenamiento.

Después de mucho detalle y otras 3 cervezas se reclinó hacia atrás y me dijo:

Chapter 1: Improbable encounters

Threading your way through a sea of people who does not really care much about being shoved, pushed and stepped on irritates me. On top o...